306 Elgin Avenue, London , W9 1JU
306 Elgin Avenue, London , W9 1JU
estate agents

Residential Sales

The property sector is “special”, it is different from other types of industries and business because of the nature of the product in that the building is fixed and has a high capital value.

There is a whole new language to learn about and everyone will give you advice. But how do you know who to trust?

We will give you all the accurate and detailed information you need to make an informed decision about selling your property.

We understand that selling your house is one of the most important transactions you will ever make, so getting it right is of paramount importance.

From correct and realistic pricing, to appropriate marketing and advertising exposure, our experience shows that one size does not fit all.

We offer various bespoke packages for sellers and advise them what is going to be best for you to achieve the best price from the best buyer and even help you to appoint a solicitor, or a conveyancer to act on your behalf and handle the legal paperwork.

We are there to answer any questions along the way and to make the entire process as painless and profitable as possible for you.

Residential Lettings

Having a comprehensive knowledge of the market, our dedicated lettings team provides a wide range of hassle-free letting services including:

  • A Free no obligation rental appraisal
  • Advertising through local newspapers, and major property portals
  • Arranging and accompanying viewings
  • Comprehensive referencing of potential tenants using a professional reference company
  • Preparation of relevant tenancy agreement using standard forms of Assured Shorthold Tenancies provided by professional National Association of Estate Agents ( NAEA )
  • Preparation of Inventory check-In and schedule of condition
  • Collection of security deposit and rent as and when due
  • Inform utility companies of change of occupier
  • Full statements of account
  • Interim property visits
  • Organisation of repairs, if required
  • Inventory Checkout

Property Management

Great deal of time is spent handling tenant’s telephone calls and the resulting work.

We work hard to respond to property owners' needs and our fully trained team are highly experienced in taking care of your property and keeping you updated regularly by doing regular inspections, handling maintenance issues promptly as they arise; maintaining proactive relationships with tenants, and prompt rent collection

Our property management package includes services such as credit control, handling administration as well as assistance with more complex issues.

Our aim is to make rental ownership hassle free and profitable and our comprehensive property management service is designed to give you peace of mind and relieve you of the commitment of being a full-time landlord.


We have considerable experience in dealing with either partial or total refurbishment of the properties.

As experienced professionals we deliver a consistently high quality service in all aspects of home improvements. We provide a complete and hassle free service from design, materials sourcing to decorating and full refurbishment.


Sales and Lettings Ltd found me an amazing tenant quickly. Impressed with their expertise. Fawaz M
Sales and Lettings Ltd made finding my dream home in London a breeze. Highly recommended! Kamal M
Efficient and professional service from Sales and Lettings Ltd. Sold my property in no time. Sarah M
Exceptional customer service from Sales and Lettings Ltd. They truly care about their clients. Oyebadejo A
Smooth buying process with Sales and Lettings Ltd. Thank you for helping me find my dream home! David S
Prompt and friendly service from Sales and Lettings Ltd. They made renting in London stress-free. Rahimi M
Reliable and knowledgeable team at Sales and Lettings Ltd. Highly recommend for buying property. Michael H
Professional and responsive service from Sales and Lettings Ltd. Highly recommended. Anna K